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WISA IMPACT WEBINAR: Water Reuse, Recycling & Reclamatio

Posted: 7 Oct 2021

Members of management and municipal councillors attended a Water Reuse webinar today hosted by the Water Institute of Southern Africa (WISA) under the theme; Where are we, and what does the future hold?
WISA was founded in 1937 and brings together experts from a wide range of disciplines to meet, discuss, plan for and present solutions for a sustainable water future in the southern African region.
Amongst the topics shared were:
• Water reuse in South Africa: The past, the present and the future – setting the scene.
• Nature-Based treatment to reuse water for food production and breeding fish.
• Mine Water Reuse: Lessons from 20 years of implementation
• Implications of Water Reuse for Irrigation Purposes.
• Durban Remix Project: Combining reuse and desalination